Tuesday, November 23, 2010


my friend and neighbor passed away yesterday afternoon.it happened so quick i mean they had only found out she had cancer two days before.she went to sleep at the hospital when they did a xray of her brain and never woke up.they had told her daughter it was no use shed be gone soon.she died yesterday after sleeping a couple of days and not waking.it is such a shock that she is gone.i cant realy belive that shes gone.i mean it was such a shock to find out she was sick with cancer and dieing and now shes dead.it all happened so suddenly.it just feels like a terrible dream.i guess its better that she went so quick rather than linger and suffer for a long time. her daughter came over today and told us they are gonna cremate her they gave her eyes away for someone who needs them. she says they will have a memorial at her house. she has invited us because we are like family to her and were to her mom to.they are like family to us as well.her daughter as also decided to move in the house with her husband and daughter. she says her mom would be happy becuase the little girl would finally have a yard to play in.we know that to be true.the little girl will not understand shes only 5 but itll be tough when theirs no grandma for her on Christmas.life is forever changeing it never stays the same just one day can tear your world apart.may you rest in peace nina

1 comment:

  1. Aw. I'm very sorry to hear about Nina's passing, sweetie. Please give my condolences to her family and know that she is absolutely watching over all of you. and I'm glad she didn't have a long, drawn out time of suffering...
