Wednesday, July 7, 2010


.my grandfather who lives 4 hours away from us is haveing bad problems.hes not been doing well for a while but now hes really bad.he refuses to come up here and let us help him.hes all cantacrus hes looseing his memory and hes going to the bathroom all over his house and not cleaning it up.a cousin of moms is there he told her about the going to the bathroom grandfather wont tell his doctor hes haveing these problems and wont go to the hospital moms cousin went to my grandfathers doctor in secret and told him whats going on and the doc called family services.we dont know what else to do but get them invovled.maybe with there help mom can get power of atorny move him up here and put him in a home if she cant take care of him.they are sneaking around trying to find things and stuff so they can do some things without grandpa sad that it has come to this.i have a right to be though i love the old man and i just wish he would do something to help himself.he refuses to though and its just so other news i talked briefly today with a friend whose wife just had a baby boy.the boy is 8 pounds.all went well with the birth.the baby is healthy and his wife is fine.his daughter who is his eldist is doing well this friend is not my best friend and mentor but hes a friend.anyway this makes me happy to hear.

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